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What if I Don’t Want a Divorce?


When it comes to divorce, not all couples are on the same page. Studies show that women initiate 70% of divorces, so there are likely a lot of men who are blindsided by this decision.

It’s possible that your spouse may decide one day to file for divorce, leaving you upset. What can you do to change their mind?

Unfortunately, if your spouse wants a divorce, you cannot simply refuse to grant them one. In Florida, one spouse can file for divorce without the other’s approval. Florida is a no-fault state, so as long as your spouse can claim the marriage is irretrievably broken, a divorce can move forward whether or not you want it to. You will need to respond to the petition in some way. You can either agree to it or file a counter-petition. You cannot simply ignore the petition or else your spouse will be granted a default judgment, which means they could get everything they ask for.

However, it is possible to change your spouse’s mind. Here are some ways to go about it.

Seek Couples Therapy

Couples therapy can help you and your spouse deal with your issues. A good therapist can help you and your spouse discuss your feelings and communicate better in general. Therapy can also help you two rebuild trust and strengthen your bond, which can bring you closer together and potentially ward off talks of divorce.

Communicate More

Many couples spend their days pretty much ignoring each other. This can cause a marriage to quickly deteriorate. Focus on talking more, and not just about daily activities like work and children. Discuss long-term goals and desires. Allow your spouse to talk without interruptions. Better communication can go a long way in restoring your relationship.

Address Conflicts

Many divorces occur due to unresolved conflicts. If this is the case for your marriage, get to the root of these issues. Discuss these issues with your spouse with an open mind, without blame. You and your spouse should both discuss your perspectives on these issues and make your feelings known without judgment.

Be Positive

Many people file for divorce because they are tired of their spouse’s constant negativity. Being negative can bring a person down, so focus on being happy and positive. Show appreciation for your spouse. Be thankful for all they do for you. Showing gratitude can make your spouse feel loved and appreciated.

Consider Separation Instead

If all else fails, consider a separation first before divorce. While Florida does not recognize legal separation, you and your spouse can still separate under your own terms. Having some time apart may seem like a bad idea when you’re trying to stay together, but having some space can really do you good. As the saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Seek Legal Help

Surprisingly, a lot of partners are blindsided by their spouse’s decision to divorce. They may think the marriage is going great, but there are actually unresolved issues that are not getting better.

A divorce will happen if your spouse wants one. Find out how to get through the process with ease with help from Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer Edward J. Jennings, P.A. We will work hard to protect your legal rights. Fill out the online form or call 954-764-4330 to schedule a consultation.



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