Types of Married Couples

Marriage is a common activity. In 2022, there were 67.85 million married men and 68.45 million married women living in the United States. This means there are more than 135 million married people in the country.
Given this, you would think that the institution of marriage would be pretty standard. The truth is that it’s not. Marriage is not always the happy ending that the media makes it out to be. It can be filled with content, but in a lot of cases, there is a lot of conflict and dissatisfaction.
All marriages are unique. There are high and lows, struggles, personal wins, and everything in between. These struggles can make a marriage stronger or destroy it altogether. Here’s a look at five different types of couples based on how satisfied the couples are, as well as their beliefs and the effort they put into the marriage.
Devitalized Couples
This is the most dissatisfied group, so hopefully your marriage doesn’t fall into this category. These couples show significant discontent and have the lowest marital satisfaction scores. The married couples tend to be young with less education and working in lower-status occupations. Most couples in this category contemplate divorce, and as a result, the marriages tend to be shorter.
Conflicted Couples
The demographic of conflicted couples are the same as devitalized couples. There are communication challenges, but the parties have egalitarian roles. They may contemplate divorce, but they are more resilient.
Traditional Couples
These couples are young, but have more education and earnings. They are committed to their relationship, so they stay married longer and favor traditional roles. They are satisfied and stable, finding fulfillment in parenting and religion.
Harmonious Couples
These couples are older with fewer children. They have high levels of education and income. These couples are highly satisfied, with 94% reporting overall satisfaction. They have high scores when it comes to marital interaction, but do not always agree on parenting issues.
Vitalized Couples
This is the category all married couples should strive for. These couples are truly happily married. They experience the highest levels of marital satisfaction. They have a very strong marital bond, as they are able to communicate well and navigate conflict resolution with grace. Couples in this category are older and more educated. They are also economically stable and display strong communication skills. Only 14% of couples in this category have ever considered divorce, so almost all report high levels of satisfaction. Vitalized couples experience true love and a flourishing marital bond.
Seek Legal Help
Marriages can differ widely. Not everything goes great and not everyone is happy. There is a lot of conflict in many marriages due to communication issues.
If your marriage is a losing battle, consider divorce and get a new lease on life. Get the help you need from Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer Edward J. Jennings, P.A. We help clients through divorce matters throughout Broward County. Schedule a consultation by filling out the online form or calling 954-764-4330.