Too Scared to Divorce? How to Handle Your Fears

Love tends to wane over time. There’s the infamous seven-year itch and the empty nest years, when the kids move out and the spouses are stuck putting up with each other.
Dealing with waning love can be frustrating. You may not want to stay, but you also may not be willing to leave your marriage either.
Many people avoid filing for divorce because well, they’re scared. A person considering divorce will face many emotions, but fear often overrides them all. It’s easy to see why. Leaving the marital home is not exactly an easy decision. Where will you go? What will you do? What will your future look like?
When a person divorces, there are no guarantees about what will happen next. You could struggle to make ends meet. You might end up homeless. Your kids might hate you. You may never find love again and end up lonely.
Going from married to single is a huge step. Many people fear losing their identity. They’re married, then they’re divorced. Now what? People often take sides.
Being divorced can be hard in many ways, so people avoid it. However, you should know that divorce can help free you from a bad marriage. While it’s normal to fear divorce, here are some good reasons to no longer be afraid.
New Beginnings
Divorce will no doubt be a little scary because you can’t predict what will happen, but it can be exciting as well. The door opens to many possibilities. You may find a new job or meet fun people. The world starts to open up.
Another Shot at Love
Maybe you don’t ever want to get married again, and that’s fine, but there are still many opportunities to find love again. Now that you know what you want and what you don’t want, this time, you can find someone you truly want to be around.
Improved Wellbeing
A toxic marriage can be stressful and generally unhealthy. You may be constantly upset and sad. You may be generally anxious. A divorce can solve these problems and help you feel better yourself. You can focus on your health and wellbeing.
You’re Not Alone
Approximately half of all marriages end in divorce, so if you’re considering ending your marriage, you’re not alone. You can get through it. You can attend a support group and bond with other divorced people. You can vent to a therapist. There are also books and online tools to help you deal with divorce.
Seek Legal Help
Divorce is not an easy thing to go through. In fact, it is one of the most stressful life events, behind death. However, there are things you can do to alleviate your fears.
Are you considering divorce? Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer Edward J. Jennings, P.A. can guide you through the process with ease. We’ll help alleviate your fears. For a consultation, call 954-764-4330 or fill out the online form.