Tag Archives: Fort Lauderdale Divorce Lawyers

Protect Your Business Assets in Divorce: Here’s How
For most people, their biggest concern during divorce is their children. Business owners, however, have an additional concern to consider: their livelihood. If you own a business and are either in the midst of a divorce, are considering filing for a divorce, or have recently filed for divorce, there are precautions you need to… Read More »

Five Financial Mistakes You Can Make During Divorce
According to findings published on HuffPost, the average American divorce costs between $15,000 and $20,000. For most people, that amount is a sizeable down payment on a home or a year’s worth of college tuition. For most people, the cost of divorce is unaffordable. If you are about to embark on a Florida divorce,… Read More »

Throwing Out Your Divorce Settlement: It IS Possible
Sometimes, divorce cases can go smoothly and without a hiccup, sometimes there are a few potential snags but the couples work past them, and sometimes divorces are so ugly it forces even their attorneys to wonder how the parties were married in the first place. In these latter instances, parties may feel compelled to… Read More »

Domestic Violence May Impact Your Divorce, and Here is How
No court takes domestic violence allegations or convictions lightly, but when it comes to family court, the judge is even more stringent. When there are charges or convictions of domestic violence in a marriage, ending that marriage becomes exponentially more complex than a typical divorce. Though Florida is a no fault divorce state, and… Read More »

Emotional Abuse, Divorce, and Child Custody
Despite popular belief, the signs of abuse do not always come in the form of bruises and broken bones; sometimes, abuse can result in emotional distress, fear, feelings of inadequacy, and dependency. The latter type of injuries is the result of emotional abuse, which is just as damaging as physical abuse, and just as… Read More »

Are States On Their Way to Implementing Pet Custody Laws?
According to the CDC, the U.S. fertility rate is at an all-time low, with only 59.8 babies born per 1000 women in the first quarter of 2016. At the height of the baby boom, the numbers were double that. However, just because people are having babies less does not mean that their paternal instincts… Read More »