Quarantine is Putting Marriages to the Test

People need their space. That’s why married people go to work or engage in hobbies and outside activities with friends. Being around someone 24/7 can be exhausting. In fact, when couples spend too much time together, they tend to argue more. This is especially true during the holidays.
That’s why the quarantines imposed by lawmakers to keep the coronavirus under control are destroying families. People aren’t allowed to leave their homes—except for essential errands—so couples are spending much more time than usual. The quarantine is putting marriages to the test, and the weak ones aren’t passing. They’re causing people to file for divorce at high rates.
While many couples are happy to spend more time together, many are not. They may fight over housework and child care. They may be stressed about work, getting sick or the empty shelves at the grocery stores. Perhaps they are just tired of their partners’ annoying quirks.
Making matters worse is that when couples argue, they don’t have an escape route anymore. They can’t go meet up with a friend and vent over dinner. They can’t sit in their room and cry while their spouse is at work. They are lacking a social outlet that likely kept their marriage for a long time.
Money is another issue that is causing marriages to fail. People are losing their jobs. They can’t pay bills. They are stressed and frustrated. They think divorce is their only way out.
We are in unprecedented times. While things may seem scary, divorcing right now can be even scarier. The COVID-19 pandemic won’t last forever, so avoid making impulsive decisions right now. A decision like divorce will last a lifetime.
One thing to consider is that legal cases are done remotely for the time being. A divorce may take many months to resolve. It won’t be a quick process. Plus, your spouse legally cannot move out right now anyway, so it would be awkward to still have to live in the same home as your spouse during a divorce proceeding.
Property division is another issue. Values of assets such as homes and businesses are on the decline, so you won’t get as much money as you expect. Child custody is another issue parents are grappling with. Parents are concerned about COVID-19 exposure and it has led to many disagreements among divorced couples. Where do the children go? Should physical custody be limited for one parent over another?
Seek Legal Help
Married life can be frustrating right now, especially if you and your spouse had issues before the quarantine. While self-isolation may be putting a strain on your marriage, you shouldn’t be so quick to call it quits.
Divorce won’t be easy during a quarantine, and it may be quite challenging for a while. Your assets won’t be worth as much now, and it could take a long time to get anything resolved. Instead, get advice from Fort Lauderdale divorce attorney Edward J. Jennings, P.A. He can guide you through the pros and cons of a coronavirus divorce. To schedule a consultation today, fill out the online form or call 954-764-4330.