How You May Be Sabotaging Your Marriage

If you are struggling with achieving a happy relationship, there could be various factors involved. But there’s one you’re probably overlooking: you.
It’s not uncommon for people to subconsciously say and do things that sabotage your marriage. People feel vulnerable and in an effort to protect themselves, they may expect too much from their spouse or suddenly stop putting effort into the marriage.
Are you ruining your marriage and not even aware of it? Here’s a look at some things that people commonly do that ruin their marriages.
You Expect Too Much
You should know what you want, but you need to have standards that are attainable. Continually raising the bar too high is a form of self-sabotage. You’re not committing to your partner. Instead, you’re setting your partner up for failure. You might unconsciously start looking for someone wrong with them.
You Make Mountains Out of Molehills
It’s normal to get annoyed by minor things your partner does, but if everything becomes a major argument, it’s time to reassess your relationship. Are you really mad at your spouse or are you creating conflict to test the waters? Many people self-sabotage their relationships by constantly creating drama, which gets old after a while.
You Need Constant Reassurance
While your partner should tell you often that they love you, you should not have to be told every hour. If you demand that your partner constantly sends you love texts or you always question their love (Do you really love me? Are you sure?), it can sabotage the marriage. This type of behavior sends a message to your partner that you don’t really trust them. This can eventually lead to tension and resentment.
You Engage in Passive-Aggressive Behavior
Playing mind games such as giving your partner the silent treatment can ruin your relationship. You may refuse to talk to your spouse as a test to gauge their love and see if they will make things right. This tactic won’t bring about the closeness you’re looking for, though. Instead, it could drive your partner away from you. They’re not a mind reader, so they’re bound to feel insecure and confused. It’s best to be honest and upfront about what’s bugging you.
You Struggle With Serious Topics
It can be hard to deal with discomfort in a relationship or serious topics such as finances. These issues can be uncomfortable, but they need to be dealt with. You can’t just ignore everything. You can’t focus on temporary fixes. You need to work through these concerns together as a team.
Seek Legal Help
The things you do or say can affect your relationship and keep you from experiencing a real connection with someone. You need to get rid of your negativities and insecurities.
No matter how your marriage ends, Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer Edward J. Jennings, P.A. can help you move forward. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. Call 954-764-4330 or fill out the online form.