How To Best Use Social Media During A Divorce

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat—most of us use one or more of these social media outlets to post photos and videos or make comments. In fact, approximately one-quarter of the world’s population uses Facebook. Many people are glued to their phones as they await likes, comments, and updates from their friends.
Social media can be a great tool for keeping in touch with friends, but when you’re going through a divorce, that’s a whole different matter. Studies show that social media has a negative effect on both marriage and divorce.
Being preoccupied with social media affects the quality of your marriage. In fact, it has been shown that those who do not use Facebook and other apps are 11% happier in their marriages.
Social media use is also tied to divorce. Twenty percent of divorces are caused by Facebook, whether it’s because someone caught their spouse cheating on the site or some other reason. Plus, more than 80% of divorce lawyers report that clients are increasingly searching for online evidence of affairs and other bad behavior. After all, people tend to post everything online, and this hurts people in a divorce when assets, child custody, child support, and alimony are on the line.
How to Get Through Your Divorce
It’s best not to use social media at all during your divorce. This allows you to focus on your children, and more importantly, yourself. But if you can’t quite quit it cold turkey, here are some tips to keep in mind:
- Don’t use social media to vent. Avoid badmouthing your spouse and posting negative comments online. Remember that others can see what you post online, so keep things civil.
- Think positive. If you must post something, post positive sayings and photos. Avoid the negativity.
- Change your settings. Block or unfriend those who you don’t want in your life after the divorce. Increase your privacy settings and only communicate online with people you trust.
- Don’t discuss your divorce online. Your divorce case should be kept private—between you, your ex, and your lawyers. There’s no need to share any details about custody, assets, or any drama.
- Don’t post anything sexually explicit from your marriage. Not only is this in bad taste and highly inappropriate, but it’s also illegal in some places. You don’t want to post anything that will make you or your ex look bad. Move on from your marriage and focus on the future.
- Monitor your child’s internet usage. Many children have access to social media and will use it to post information about the divorce or how they are feeling. Ask to see your child’s posts and monitor what they say and do so you can protect them from cyberstalking and online bullying.
Seek Legal Help
Social media can be detrimental in a divorce. Try to avoid it if you want a divorce with less stress and drama.
Get help with your divorce from Fort Lauderdale divorce attorney Edward J. Jennings, P.A. Our dedicated lawyers can provide you with the skilled representation you need. To schedule a consultation, call 954-764-4330 or fill out the online form.