HOA Complaints Common in Florida

When people think of homeowners associations (HOAs), they may cringe. These associations are common in some areas and while they are in place to maintain order and uniformity, it’s safe to say that they often go too far with their baseless rules.
In fact, many HOA members make complaints. HOA complaints are extremely common in Florida, which ranks as the #2 state for complaints, behind California.
HOAs were originally designed to make living spaces more desirable, but are they living up to this goal? It doesn’t seem like it, with members upset over having to pay monthly fees for these associations that they don’t necessarily agree with. This is especially true when members are given citations for petty infractions and forced to pay hefty fines.
In fact, most complaints about HOAs stem from the fact that HOAs can levy hefty fines and even place liens on homes. The most common citations are over parking, home repairs, and lawn care. Pet violations and unauthorized signs and decor are also common issues. The average fine is roughly $120, although parking fines can exceed $200.
Some of the most common HOA complaints include the following:
- Favoritism among neighbors. It can be frustrating when you get in trouble for pretty much everything, but your other neighbors can get away with much more.
- False claims. Nothing is worse than being accused of something you didn’t do or the board claiming that your sign goes against the rules when it really doesn’t.
- It’s not uncommon for HOA board members to go onto a homeowner’s property without permission and see what they’re up to.
- Corrupt board. Is the HOA board playing by the rules? How are they spending the dues? Many boards are corrupt.
- Expensive dues. While some HOAs are reasonable, in resort areas, they can exceed $1,000 a month. This is a hefty fee on top of a mortgage, insurance, and everything else you are paying to own a home.
While being in an HOA is not all fun and games, if you do choose to be in one, you’ll have to be prepared to follow the rules. Being a rebel will not work in your favor, so don’t ignore issues when they come up. Be proactive and try to work out a solution with the HOA as quickly as possible. The longer you wait, the worse it will be.
Keep in mind taking on an HOA can be difficult and very costly. Some people have had significant fees levied against them and have gone into bankruptcy as a result.
Seek Legal Help
Homeowners associations can be very picky about what a person does, leading to major arguments.
Is the HOA taking legal action against you? Or are you thinking about suing? If so, discuss your case with Fort Lauderdale HOA dispute lawyer Edward J. Jennings, P.A. We will help you understand your legal rights as a homeowner and community member. Fill out the online form or call 954-764-4330 to schedule a consultation with our office.