Florida Woman Fights to Save Home After Misunderstanding Contract

When you’re in your 90s, you shouldn’t have to worry about much. Your focus should be living out the rest of your life in peace and happiness.
This isn’t the case for one Florida woman though. She’s in a huge legal battle over her home after she signed a real estate contract without fully understanding the terms.
The Lakeland woman, originally from Puerto Rico, heard a radio commercial about a company that buys houses and helps residents relocate. The woman had plans to move to Buffalo, New York. She had lived there almost two decades ago and she has friends there who can help take care of her. She has no one in Florida, so the move seemed like a good idea at the time.
The woman called the number from the ad and reached Problem Property Pals. A salesman went to her home and she signed a contract September 2, 2022. She sold her property for $100,000, with a closing date two months later.
The woman signed in a couple places on a document, but she didn’t know what she was getting into. The contract was written in English, which the woman struggles with reading and understanding.
The woman was under the impression that Problem Property Pals would make arrangements to move her possessions and get her to Buffalo. The company scheduled movers to come to the house on October 28, 2022, which was a few days before the closing date. The woman was told she needed to be out of her home that day.
However, the woman was still not paid for the home. Plus, she thought the company would be taking her to Buffalo.
An agent from Problem Property Pals bought the woman a one-way ticket to Buffalo for three days later, but the woman was not informed about what was going on. She did not know she was flying and nobody offered to take her to the airport. Plus, she had not arranged for a new place to live.
The woman never made it to Buffalo. She was hospitalized the following week due to high blood pressure and chest pain. A month later, the company sued her for breach of contract to force the sale of her home.
Attempts to contact Problem Property Pals were unsuccessful. The woman hired an attorney, who filed a countersuit claiming she was exploited due to her poor English skills. A trial is set for October 17, but the woman is not optimistic. Her lawyer told her that if she goes to court, she will probably lose the house.
Seek Legal Help
It is important that you understand any real estate contract. Anything that is unclear can cause your home to be in jeopardy.
Protect your home and legal rights with help from Fort Lauderdale real estate contracts lawyer Edward J. Jennings, P.A. We have years of experience with Florida real estate matters and can help make sure you are getting the deal you want. Schedule a consultation by filling out the online form or calling 954-764-4330.