Divorce Not an Easy Decision; 50% Change Their Mind After a Year

Your spouse makes you mad constantly and you feel like you’re done. You’re sick and tired of being disrespected. You keep thinking about leaving. You dream about divorce and freedom.
But is ending your marriage the right option? Is that really what you want? Our feelings about our marriage can vary from day to day. They may even change from one minute to another. One day you may be thinking about divorce and the next day, you and your spouse may act like a loving couple again.
In fact, a study from 2017 surveyed 3,000 married Americans, ages 25 to 50. The results of the study showed that among couples who had considered divorce, 50% changed their mind after a year. They were still with their spouses.
Considering divorce might seem like the end of a relationship, but that is not always true. A lot of times when things are bad, people want to fix it. But it’s hard to repair a broken marriage, so divorce is often the default.
However, thinking about divorce does not always mean the end of the road. For some couples, thinking about divorce can actually have the opposite effect and even bring about growth and a renewed appreciation for the relationship. It can help you change the current dynamic in your marriage and help you reconnect. Here’s how.
Brings About Honest Communication
When divorce is on the table, it often pushes couples to confront issues they’ve been avoiding. This can foster deeper conversations about needs, feelings, and priorities. Being honest can pave the way for solutions.
Clarifies Goals
Contemplating divorce encourages both spouses to reflect on what they truly want from not just the relationship, but life in general. This can help couples align or make adjustments to their shared vision.
Strengthens Problem-Solving Skills
Navigating the complexities of a potential divorce often requires problem-solving around finances, parenting, or emotional needs. Successfully addressing these challenges together can build confidence in the marriage.
Highlights What You Might Lose
Considering life without your partner makes you feel grateful for what you have and what you stand to lose in a divorce. It reminds couples of the love, history, and shared experiences they might lose, motivating them to fight for the relationship.
Encourages Professional Help
Often, couples turn to therapy when facing a crisis. This is often a good sign, as they see a future and it shows they want to work on their marriage. Working with a counselor can provide tools to navigate conflicts, rebuild trust, and strengthen the marriage.
Seek Legal Help
Ending a marriage is a hard decision to make. A divorce will change your life dramatically. Is that a risk you are willing to take?
Should you divorce? Should you stay together? Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer Edward J. Jennings, P.A. can assess your situation and help you make the right decision. Let us help you explore your legal options. Schedule a consultation today by calling 954-764-4330 or filling out the online form.