Category Archives: Property Division

Dos and Don’ts for Handling Debt in a Divorce
When it comes to divorce, splitting assets is often a point of contention. However, many couples forget one important: who gets the debts? While a couple may fight over who gets the home, car, cash, collectibles and heirlooms, nobody wants to be stuck with debt in a divorce. Unfortunately, your debts do not simply… Read More »

How Commingling Changes the Classification of Assets
As an equitable distribution state, Florida does not necessarily distribute property evenly between two divorcing parties. Rather, the courts will assess each spouse’s contribution to the marriage and make a determination based on its findings. Of course, some property is excluded from distribution. That property is considered to be “separate.” Separate property includes any… Read More »

Protect Your Business Assets in Divorce: Here’s How
For most people, their biggest concern during divorce is their children. Business owners, however, have an additional concern to consider: their livelihood. If you own a business and are either in the midst of a divorce, are considering filing for a divorce, or have recently filed for divorce, there are precautions you need to… Read More »

Are States On Their Way to Implementing Pet Custody Laws?
According to the CDC, the U.S. fertility rate is at an all-time low, with only 59.8 babies born per 1000 women in the first quarter of 2016. At the height of the baby boom, the numbers were double that. However, just because people are having babies less does not mean that their paternal instincts… Read More »