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Category Archives: Foreclosure Defense


Defenses to Foreclosure

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Knowing that your home is in foreclosure or may be in the near future can be a scary situation. We depend on our house for shelter and comfort. It gives us a place to eat, sleep, entertain, and possibly work. Knowing that your home could be taken away from you just like that can… Read More »

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How to Stop a Foreclosure

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

It’s easy to get behind on bills. While it’s important to pay bills like mortgages, sometimes it’s hard to keep up. Even if you have a seemingly decent job, you could be the victim of a layoff at any time. Or you could suffer a serious disability and rack up tens or even hundreds… Read More »

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Foreclosure On The Rise In Florida

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

The real estate boom we have seen for the past year has started to fizzle. Home prices are now dropping, but foreclosures are on the rise. This is especially true in the Sunshine State. Florida is seeing a high number of foreclosed homes, with the state ranking at number 6 for the most in… Read More »

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Foreclosure Defense: What You Need To Know

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

The economy has gone haywire since the coronavirus pandemic. Businesses have shut down, prices are skyrocketing. The housing market has gone out of control, with homes selling for tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars above asking price. When the market crashes, many homeowners will undoubtedly be in dire financial straits. They may… Read More »

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Foreclosure Defense

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

A house is the biggest purchase that most people will ever buy.  Buying a house can be exciting, but having to cough up enough money each month for the mortgage can be a challenge. This is especially true as COVID has ravaged businesses in the United States, leaving people unemployed. This lack of work… Read More »

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