Category Archives: Child Custody

Legal vs. Physical Child Custody
If you are divorced with children, you may be aware of several types of child custody. There is sole custody, which means one parent gets custody of the kids, while joint custody means both parents share custody. There are also a couple subcategories: legal custody and physical custody. But what do these terms mean… Read More »

Child Custody and Your Career: How to Get Both
In the past, the stay-at-home parent—typically the mother—was the one who got custody of the kids. That still holds true today. However, today’s working woman aims to have it all. They want a successful career and then come home, help the kids with their homework, take them to soccer practice and cook a nutritious… Read More »

Discussing Finances as Co-Parents
After a divorce with children involved, the spouses will be a part of each other’s lives until at least the children turn 18. While some divorces are amicable, others are contentious, and this can make situations awkward. Child custody arrangements may be a constant source of drama as it is. Having to discuss money… Read More »

Can Rapists Get Child Custody in Florida?
When a child’s parents are married, child custody is typically not an issue. When parents split up, they will often decide on custody themselves or have a judge decide if they cannot come to an agreement. But what happens if a woman is raped and becomes pregnant? Can the rapist petition for custody of… Read More »

Can a Child Choose With Which Parent to Live?
People often ask whether or not their child can choose which parent with which they want to live. Some people believe there is a specific age at which a child can choose. Determining custody in divorce cases is often messy and emotionally charged. There are many factors that come into play when the courts… Read More »

Florida Parenting Plans: The Basics
Florida has some of the strongest laws when it comes to children in divorce cases. If the parents are to share responsibility for the child, they need to be able to discuss and agree on major decisions in any child’s life. This can be an emotional time, and you may not want to make… Read More »

How Domestic Violence Impacts Child Custody
If you or your child’s other parent were ever convicted of domestic violence, your child custody case will be handled a bit differently than a typical child custody case. In accordance with Florida law, a judge will consider what situation would be in the best interests of your child. In normal cases, what would… Read More »

Five Surprising Reasons a Parent May Lose Custody in Florida
Child custody is never set in stone, and if one parent does something that puts the child in danger, the Florida courts will revoke custody without a second’s thought. Of course, the courts will need to hear both sides of the story and see substantial evidence, but if the findings back the claims of… Read More »

The Basics of a Florida Parenting Plan Modification
Life is full of surprises, and it is difficult to anticipate what is going to happen tomorrow much less next week, next year, or within the next ten years. Because of this, parenting plans are hardly ever set in stone, and if a parent or parents want to modify an existing plan, they have… Read More »

How is Child Custody Determined in Florida?
Once upon a time, child custody was granted to women in the majority of divorce cases. This was done without giving thought to what was in the best interests of the child or what type of parent either mother or father was. Today, however, determining child custody is not so cut and dry, and… Read More »