Category Archives: Alimony

How To Minimize Alimony In A Divorce
When divorcing in Florida, there’s one thing you need to worry about: alimony. The state is lenient when it comes to alimony, so it’s possible that you could be ordered to pay one type of alimony to your ex-spouse, especially if you were the breadwinner. Alimony can be temporary or even be permanent. That’s… Read More »

Fierce Battle Over Alimony in Florida
A divorce involves numerous aspects, including property division, child support and child custody. However, nothing can make a divorce acrimonious quite like the mention of alimony. When a couple divorces, they likely want to be rid of each other as quickly as possible. However, paying someone monthly payments for many years keeps the ex-spouse… Read More »

Is it a Good Idea to Accept Lump Sum Alimony?
Lump sum alimony, or the alimony buyout, refers to a program that allows a paying spouse to pay the entirety of alimony payments in one lump sum. To qualify for this type of alimony, both the recipient spouse and the court will need to approve the lump sum amount. The court will only approve… Read More »

The Basics of Bridge-the-Gap Alimony in Florida
In Florida, there are five types of alimony that a divorcee may be awarded or obligated to pay: pendente lite, bridge-the-gap, rehabilitative, durational, and permanent (Florida Statute 61.08). Each type of alimony serves a distinct purpose, and each is awarded for a maximum length of time, with permanent being the only type of alimony… Read More »