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Digital Bullying During A Divorce

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

When you think of online bullying, you may think of teens badmouthing and insulting each other online. This digital bullying, however, also tends to occur during a divorce. In fact, you may have seen it among celebrities—think Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. You have probably heard West ranting online about Kardashian’s dating life, particularly… Read More »

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How Important Is Similarity In A Marriage?

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

As the saying goes, opposites attract. But do they really? And when they do, how do these differences in personality traits and beliefs affect a marriage? They can, to some extent, but probably not as much as you think. When you think about who you plan to marry, you might want someone who is… Read More »

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Divorcing Without Children

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

When married couples divorce, they have to think about everything involved, including their children. But not all couples have children, so when they don’t, their divorce is different. They don’t have to co-parent or try to get along with each other. One of the biggest benefits is that they don’t even have to see… Read More »

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How To Keep Your Marriage Alive While Working From Home

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Couples are not meant to spend all their time together. It’s good to spend some time together, but not all your time. If you never get any time to yourself, it’s easy to feel suffocated. That’s how a lot of couples have felt over the past two years. In early 2020, companies had to… Read More »

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What Is Financial Infidelity?

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

When you think of infidelity, what immediately comes to mind? Is it the thought of your partner sleeping with someone else? Or maybe it’s the thought of your boyfriend talking to his pretty co-worker? What about keeping secrets about money? Would you consider that infidelity? If not, then maybe you should. This is called… Read More »

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Most Common Problems In A Marriage

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Each marriage is unique. There are two different people involved and they each bring their own personalities, assets, and debts to the table when they get married. This means that each marriage comes with its own problems, and some may have the same problems. It’s a good idea to know what the most common… Read More »

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How The Perfect Divorce Is Possible

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Your marriage may not be like it once was. You and your spouse argue constantly about everything from money to sex to how to raise the kids. You want out of your marriage but are scared of the repercussions of a divorce. You may associate divorce with a nasty, emotional life event—and in many… Read More »

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What Is Business Fraud?

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

People are often encouraged to engage in illegal behavior due to one thing: money. Everybody wants more money and it can be hard to make a decent living. That’s why many businesses turn to fraud. Many people trust the companies they do business with. And while most are honest, some are not. They will… Read More »

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What To Do After Being Served With Divorce Papers

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

One of the first steps of a divorce is getting served with divorce papers. Even if you have agreed to the divorce and are expecting it to happen, actually being served with the papers can be devastating. It makes everything more real, as they serve as the beginning of the formal end to your… Read More »

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How To Stop Being Trapped After A Divorce

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Many people feel trapped in their marriage. They feel as though they cannot be the person they are truly meant to be. They contemplate divorce, but even ending their marriage can lead them to feel trapped. A divorce does not make their spouse disappear from their life forever, especially if there are children involved…. Read More »

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