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Navigating the Holidays With Children After Divorce
Divorce can be tricky when children are involved. Things get especially complicated around the holidays, when both parents typically want to spend as much time with the kids as possible. Both want the kids on Christmas, New Year’s Day, and everything in between. The kids are being pulled in many directions. This can lead… Read More »

Why Are So Many Celebrities Getting Divorced?
When celebrities get divorced, is it really a shock? Maybe for some fans. Many truly believe their favorite stars will stay together forever. Then there are those who couldn’t care less if a celebrity gets divorced and actually expect it to happen. But when multiple high-profile celebrities get divorced at roughly the same time,… Read More »

Splitting Child Custody Over the Holidays
Believe it or not, time is flying and the holidays are fast approaching. This can be an exciting time of year for many people. Families get together. People pig out on turkey and watch football. Kids decorate Christmas trees and wait for Santa. But for divorced parents, the holidays can be a stressful time… Read More »

What is Marital Abandonment?
In the dating world, there is the phenomenon of “ghosting,” in which a person goes on a date with someone and then never hears from them again, despite multiple attempts at communication. Many people resort to ghosting because they don’t have good communication skills and they just want a clean break from the other… Read More »

Where is Everybody? Losing Friends After a Divorce
You love hanging out with your friends. You are always there for them when they are sad or going through a tough time in life. You expect the same now that you’re going through a divorce, but you see that the friendship you displayed to others is not being reciprocated. Your friends don’t invite… Read More »

How to Best Navigate the End of a Marriage
When your marriage is no longer working, you will likely have a lot of questions. Is divorce the right option? How do I tell the kids? Divorce coaches say the #1 question they hear is: What did I do wrong? Both parties may wonder this. Many people are blindsided by their spouse’s decision to… Read More »

Can You Solve Irreconcilable Differences?
When a couple divorces, the usual reason given for the marriage breakup is “irreconcilable differences.” The idea behind irreconcilable differences is that some problems cannot be resolved and divorce is the only option. Irreconcilable differences occur when the spouses cannot get along with each other and the marriage ultimately falls apart. Marriages often fall… Read More »

Home Improvement Scams: What to Look For
With the real estate market still pretty crazy, many homeowners are choosing to just stay in their current homes and fix them up. Upgrading a kitchen or bathroom or adding a swimming pool can make a huge difference in the appeal of a home. However, not all homeowners can make these home improvements on… Read More »

HOA Complaints Common in Florida
When people think of homeowners associations (HOAs), they may cringe. These associations are common in some areas and while they are in place to maintain order and uniformity, it’s safe to say that they often go too far with their baseless rules. In fact, many HOA members make complaints. HOA complaints are extremely common… Read More »

Empty Nest Divorce: What You Need to Know
Married couples may decide to divorce at any time. Some do it early on to get it over with, before they accumulate assets and have children. Others do it in the 5-10-year range, once children come along. Then there are those who wait until the children grow up and leave the home. This is… Read More »