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How You May Be Sabotaging Your Marriage

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

If you are struggling with achieving a happy relationship, there could be various factors involved. But there’s one you’re probably overlooking: you. It’s not uncommon for people to subconsciously say and do things that sabotage your marriage. People feel vulnerable and in an effort to protect themselves, they may expect too much from their… Read More »

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How to Talk to Someone Who Has a Problem

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Marriage is no fairytale. Yes, there will be happy times, especially in the beginning. However, as the years go on, people tend to change. They may develop an addiction or mental health issue. Some develop behaviors that threaten their marriages, such as impulsive spending. When this happens, you may walk on eggshells when around… Read More »

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A Look at Estate Planning Disasters

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Leaving money to the cats. Lost-long uncles stealing insurance policies. Random wills written in pencil found all over the house. These are nightmare estate planning situations that may sound like they’re from a movie, but they have actually happened in real life. Unfortunately, estate planning attorneys say this stuff happens all the time. When… Read More »

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Couple Arrested in Arizona After Defrauding Hundreds in Florida

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

When you own a company and sign a contract with customers, you need to abide by the term of the contract. When you don’t, this is considered a breach of contract and can even constitute fraud. The owners of a pool construction company in Melbourne have been arrested in Arizona. The couple allegedly defrauded… Read More »

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How Neuroticism Leads to Divorce

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

In a healthy marriage, the couple works together to deal with everyday life as well as significant life events such as having children, dealing with job loss, or grieving the loss of a loved one. Life can be tough and it’s always nice to have someone on your side who can help alleviate the… Read More »

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Name Change After Divorce

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

The process of divorce can be a tumultuous time filled with many procedures and legal actions. During this time, you will need to make many decisions. If you are a woman, one of these decisions may be about changing your name. As your marriage ends, you may not want to be connected to your… Read More »

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Dealing With Depression After Divorce

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

It’s no lie that divorce is one of the most emotional events a person can go through, just behind the death of a loved one. Indeed, a divorce is the death of a marriage. Going through a divorce can be rough, especially after decades of marriage. Divorce can be especially rough on men. Most… Read More »

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Housing Options After Divorce

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Divorce can be scary in many ways. Your life will change dramatically and you’ll have to make a lot of hard decisions, such as where you will live. The marital home provides safety and security, but you and your ex cannot both live there after a divorce. One or both of you will need… Read More »

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How Gray Divorce Can Affect Adult Children’s Lives

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Gray divorce — divorce after the age of 50 — has been growing since 1990. More and more couples are divorcing as they near retirement. This can affect not only their finances but also the feelings of their children. Couples who are experiencing marital strife often wait until their children are older before divorcing…. Read More »

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Types of Intimacy in a Relationship

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

We know that romantic relationships require intimacy, but what exactly does that mean? When people think of intimacy, sex is usually one of the first things that come to mind. It’s such an intimate act. You have to be honest about your wants, needs, and desires. It also requires trust in your partner on… Read More »

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