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Monthly Archives: July 2024


Living Together After Divorce

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

After a divorce, the rule is that the couple lives apart — or so it seems. However, a large number of divorced couples actually continue to live together in the marital home. What’s the point of getting divorced if you’re still going to live together? This may seem weird, but there are some valid… Read More »

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Getting a Trial Separation Without Leaving Your Home

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

If your marriage isn’t in a good place, you may immediately think of divorce, but you don’t really have to go that far just yet. But if you have tried counseling, to no avail, then you may want to consider a trial separation. Unlike most other states, Florida does not recognize a legal separation…. Read More »

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Why Marriage is Hard for Successful Women

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Marriage is hard in many ways. When a woman makes a lot of money, you would think that would be beneficial for the marriage. Surprisingly, the opposite is true. That’s right — in marriages, more money equals more problems when the woman is making the money. It’s all good if the man is the… Read More »

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Child Exchanges at Neutral Locations Thanks to Florida Law

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Divorces can be pretty messy. While some are amicable, some are filled with anger and contention because of issues such as threats and physical harm. When these issues are prevalent in a marriage, it can be hard to escape them even after a divorce or the end of a relationship, especially if there are… Read More »

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How to Avoid Breaches of Contract

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Many businesses and services nowadays require a contract. Maybe you’re getting work done on your home. Perhaps you’re buying a car. Maybe you’re a business working with clients or subcontractors. In any case, you will need to draw up a contract. The contract should show in detail what is expected from each party and… Read More »

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Understanding Rent-to-Own Contracts

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Home ownership has been unattainable for many people in recent years. COVID caused many homes to sell for tens of thousands of dollars above asking price. While the market has cooled down since then, interest rates are still sky high. Some are disheartened by the current real estate situation, with 20% of those looking… Read More »

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Are you in a Transactional Marriage?

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Marriage is supposed to be about love, passion, and commitment, but many marriages feel transactional. This is not unusual, as marriage is a contract between two parties, almost like running a business. Marriage comes with a lot of legalities. When you marry, you get a license. When you divorce, you have to jump through… Read More »

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Getting a Summer Child Custody Plan in Place

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

When you divorce with children, you have to continue dealing with your spouse at least until your kids turn 18. This means you have to communicate with them on various topics, such as custody and child rearing. These can be difficult conversations, especially if the divorce was not amicable, but you do need to… Read More »

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